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Trying to be more mindful about screen time?

Habit effortlessly tracks app spending and use.
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Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals.

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about your progress. Get notified when you’re on track or nearing your limit.

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five star rating

“Using Habit helped me be more aware of how much time I’m spending on my phone and to not pick it up so often throughout the day. Highly recommend!”

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five star rating

“Using Habit helped me be more aware of how much time I’m spending on my phone and to not pick it up so often throughout the day. Highly recommend!”

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five star rating

“Using Habit helped me be more aware of how much time I’m spending on my phone and to not pick it up so often throughout the day. Highly recommend!”

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five star rating

“Using Habit helped me be more aware of how much time I’m spending on my phone and to not pick it up so often throughout the day. Highly recommend!”